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Mesh Dynamics

Mesh Dynamics delivers third-generation wireless mesh networking solutions for high-performance outdoor data, voice, and video networking. Based on sophisticated dynamic channel-agile networking algorithms, MeshDynamics’ MD4000 family of Structured Mesh™ wireless nodes deliver very low-latency and low-jitter performance, even over multi-hop topologies where many earlier generation wireless mesh networking products fail.

Software development began in 2001 with United States Defense contracts. Prototypes were rigorously tested by the United States military through 2003-2005. Production shipments began in 2005, providing scalable wireless mesh networking solutions for Defense, Homeland Security, surface and underground mining.

Eight key patents awarded related to scalable wireless mesh networking, more in process. [More].

The patented software is uniquely radio-manufacturer independent, allowing the rapid addition of new radio frequencies, radio suppliers and new technologies. This multi-radio mesh network is therefore future-proof, as it can be upgraded to new mesh network and RF standards as they become proven. MeshDynamics licenses the radio agnostic mesh control layer software for key defense and mining applications. Additionally, The MeshDynamics NMS is, at its core, a headless Java based engine, by design. OEMs have developed their own graphic NMS “skins” as shownhere. A comprehensive NMS management API is available for OEMs.